Time Slots En Espanol

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Unfortunately, when it is televised, often it is broadcast during inconvenient time slots. There was a spate of complaints in the press recently about cable TV operators assigning Taiwan's three sports broadcasters into unpopular slots. The special edition programme will be broadcast in the regular time slot on BBC ONE in summer 2005. Fortinet secures the largest enterprise, SMB, service provider, and government organizations around the world. Secure your network today and into the future. Onlinepokerprime.com poker rooms near me.

  1. Time Slots En Espanol Castellano
  2. Time Magazine En Espanol
  3. Revista Time En Espanol
These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
fascia oraria
time slot
He would request a time slot later in the evening.
Chiederebbe più successivamente una fascia oraria in sera.
Un altro programma è stato elencato in quella fascia oraria.
This Commissioner is always present, whatever time slot she is given.
La signora Commissario è sempre presente, indipendentemente dall'orario che le viene assegnato.
So I'm guessing your husband doesn't like his time slot tonight.
The ramps in the Adelzheim logistics centre will soon also be connected to the time slot management system.
Le rampe del centro logistico di Adelzheim saranno ben presto collegate anch'esse al sistema di Cargoclix time slot management.
Klöckner Stahl- und Metalandel GmbH has solved this problem with the introduction of the Cargoclix time slot management system.
Klöckner Stahl- und Metallhandel GmbH ha risolto questo problema con l'introduzione del sistema 'Cargoclix time slot management'.
The Cabbage Patch Kids Christmas Special was number one in its time slot on ABC.
Lo speciale di Natale dei cartoni dei Cabbage Patch Kids su ABC è primo per ascolti nella sua fascia oraria.
Send us an email and receive a prompt reply in any time slot.
Inviaci una Email e riceverai una rapida risposta in qualsiasi fascia oraria.
An additional time slot ticket is not required for holders of the three-day pass.
Per i possessori del pass di tre giorni, non è necessario alcun ulteriore biglietto a fascia oraria.
If they change your time slot, I'll watch your show.
Se vi cambiano di orario, guarderò il tuo telefilm.
Lei e Nick Barron hanno dominato la loro fascia oraria.
Until 4 am, this time slot belongs to Ko Sun-young. and I'm the producer in charge.
Fino alle 4, questa fascia oraria è di Ko Sun-young ed io sono il produttore responsabile.
For real, though. I'm on a time slot right now.. you're supposed to be here.
Veramente però, ho un orario da rispettare e tu dovresti essere qui.
Number one in our time slot, three seasons and counting.
Il numero uno di quella fascia oraria, con tre stagioni.
The show was expected to return in its new time slot on December 8, 2018.
Lo spettacolo doveva tornare nella sua nuova fascia oraria l'8 dicembre 2018.
It alternated in its time slot with several other shows, but was the only one of them to last beyond its first season.
Si alternò nella sua fascia oraria con altre serie e fu l'unica a durare oltre la prima stagione.
OPEN TICKETS € 16,00 Visit the exhibition whenever you want, without the need to lock the precise date and time slot.
BIGLIETTO APERTO € 16,00 Visita la mostra quando vuoi, senza necessità di bloccare data e fascia oraria precise.
È una fascia oraria meno competitiva.
Booking your pit stop is very easy, just contact the hotel directly and check the availability in the time slot you need.
Prenotare il tuo pit stop è semplicissimo, basta contattare direttamente l'hotel e verificare la disponibilità nella fascia oraria che ti interessa.
Booking is possible via the Internet one week in advance and until midnight on the day before the desired time slot.
La prenotazione è possibile tramite Internet da una settimana in anticipo fino a mezzanotte del giorno precedente della fascia oraria desiderata.
Possibly inappropriate content Examples are used only to help you translate the word or expression searched in various contexts. They are not selected or validated by us and can contain inappropriate terms or ideas. Please report examples to be edited or not to be displayed. Rude or colloquial translations are usually marked in red or orange.
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T slot aluminum extrusion table. Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900, More

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, More

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, More

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
Time Slots En Espanol
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
horario franja horaria
intervalo de tiempo
franjas horarias
espacio de tiempo
He oído lo de tu nuevo horario.
Had the largest viewing audience of any show in that time slot.
Tenía la mayor audiencia que cualquier otro en ese horario.
Otro programa fue enumerado en esa franja horaria.
Un solo grupo por cada franja horaria.
Una vez en un intervalo de tiempo de juegos Betsoft.
Immediate Activation/Deactivation and/or programmable daily time slot. Picture capture: Yes.
Activación/Desactivación inmediata y/o temporizada para una franja horaria del día. Captura de fotos: Sí.
Contact the hotel to book a time slot for the water circuit.
Se debe contactar con el hotel para reservar el horario del circuito de aguas.
Primer puesto en su franja horaria.
Su horario habitual era los viernes 10/9 pp. m.
Unlike the other cartoons around its Saturday morning time slot, several episodes of Dragon Hunters were rated TV-PG.
A diferencia de las otras series alrededor de su franja horaria de sábado por la mañana, varios episodios de Dragon Hunters fueron calificados TV-PG.
Johnny Carson was too strong in the ratings for the same time slot.
Johnny Carson fue demaisado fuerte entre las audiencias para la misma franja horaria.
Despite its time slot and intended audience, the content is rated TV PG.
A pesar de su horario y público adulto al cual se encuentra enfocado, el contenido está clasificado como TV PG.
Salvo que lo enterraran en el horario equivocado.
Número uno en su franja horaria.
He would request a time slot later in the evening.
Él pediría una franja horaria más adelante por la tarde.
Distribution of the frequency of tweets publication by time slot.
Distribución de la frecuencia de publicación de los tuits según la franja horaria.
Graph show number of users, time slot and devices used.
Datos en número de usuarios, franja horaria y dispositivos utilizados.
The services typically operated three to four hours per day within the after-school time slot.
Los servicios operaron típicamente tres a cuatro horas por día dentro después del horario escolar.

Time Slots En Espanol Castellano

But you know, what does suck balls is our time slot.
¿Y sus ingresos de su horario de conducción?
Possibly inappropriate content Examples are used only to help you translate the word or expression searched in various contexts. They are not selected or validated by us and can contain inappropriate terms or ideas. Please report examples to be edited or not to be displayed. Rude or colloquial translations are usually marked in red or orange.
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Time Magazine En Espanol

Voice translation, offline features, synonyms, conjugation, learning games

Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900, More

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, More

Revista Time En Espanol

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, More

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